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AEAWA Takes Action: Freedom of Information Request Submitted

By 21 October 2024No Comments
We’d like to let all our members know about an important step AEAWA has recently taken on behalf of the public of Western Australia. As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and accountability, we have submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to access the government contract for the provision of ambulance services in WA. This contract, which has been marked ‘commercial in confidence‘ under the current Labour government, remains hidden from the public—despite its direct impact on the emergency services that our members deliver every day. This is despite the government’s alleged commitment to ‘gold standard transparency’.
We firmly believe that the contract governing such a critical public service must be subject to thorough scrutiny. Transparency around how response times are reported, particularly in the context of ramping, is essential. It’s vital that the contract mechanisms accurately assess whether ambulance response times are being met, how ramping figures are factored into reporting, and how standby capacity is monitored. The public deserves to know whether these reporting mechanisms are robust and effective in safeguarding the timely delivery of emergency care across Western Australia.
It is also important to highlight that the contract immediately preceding this one was publicly available and tabled in parliament just weeks after it was signed. The shift towards secrecy in withholding the current contract is concerning and undermines public trust in a service that deals directly with life-and-death situations.
However, we want to make you aware that our first two FOI requests were rejected by the FOI coordinator within WA Health. These refusals, while frustrating, have only strengthened our resolve. We are determined to bring this matter to light and will be escalating the request to the Office of the Information Commissioner. This will allow us to challenge the decision and seek a review that may ultimately force the contract into the public domain.
This bold action is only possible because AEAWA is an independent, apolitical union. We are not bound by affiliations with any political parties or factions, nor are we compromised by campaign donations. This independence allows us to focus solely on the interests of our members and the public, enabling us to challenge the government head-on, regardless of which party is in power. We are free to fight for the transparency and accountability that our members—and the public—deserve.
It is important to note that transparency and accountability in the ambulance service are not just AEAWA’s concerns. The 2022 Standing Committee on Public Administration report into the ‘Delivery of Ambulance Services in Western Australia’ made it clear: “Transparency and accountability are important to any organisation, public or private. Transparency and accountability in the ambulance service are particularly important given the lives and health of patients are at stake.” This report reinforces our belief that bringing this contract into the public domain is not only necessary but critical for the safety and well-being of the community we serve.
Escalating this FOI request is a necessary next step, and we will continue to push for clarity and openness on this issue. Your support is crucial in making these actions possible, and together, we are working to ensure that the emergency services provided to Western Australians are fit for purpose and that the government can be held accountable for the decisions it makes behind closed doors.
Thank you for your ongoing trust and solidarity as we continue this important work.